Current doctoral theses



Mag. Karin Dollinger:  Der  „Segen“  der  Golfplätze: Landschaftsökologische  und  sozioökonomische  Begleiterscheinungen  des  Golfplatzbooms  im  Land  Salzburg

MSc Florian Peters:  Naturbezogene  Naherholung im  Stadtumland  von  Salzburg

Mag. Kristina Pleschberger: Räumlich differenzierte Angebote  von  Stadtnaturarten  und  deren Wahrnehmung



Completed doctoral theses



2015: MSc Martina Artmann: Efficient urban soil sealing management. A system application for analyzing and assessing responses, strategies and targets towards sustainable development

2014:MSc Lalitha Dissanayake: Disturbances Affecting Stream Corridors: The Case of Pinga Oya in Upper Mahaweli River of Sri Lanka

2013: Mag. Aisa Henseke: Anpassung an Klimawandel in Linz (Österreich)

2012: Dr. Liaqat Waseem: Urban/Peri-Urban Agriculture Water Utilizations and Management in Bahawalpur, Pakistan

2010: Dr. Nicole Stern: Bewertung der sozio-ökologischen Funktionen von Grünflächen dargestellt am Beispiel der Megastadt Shanghai

2010: Dr. Vasiliki Tsioutsiou: Bäume und Sträucher von Stadtbiotopen: Forschungen in der Stadt Patras Betreuung gemeinsam mit Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Christodoulakis (Universität Patras, Griechenland)

2009: Sunimal Rayamunilage Jayathunga: Investigations of relations between Ecotourism and Nature Protection in Sri Lanka

2009:Dr. Salman Qureshi: Modeling Urban Nature in a Megacity: A systematized application of urban gradient for ecological investigations

The dissertation analyses the relations between landscape structures and urban ecosystems as well the quality of urban nature and the ecological impacts of the gradual urbanisation of the Megacity Karachi. With the helf of remote sensing and GIS applications,opinion inquiries of citizens and experts interviews the Pakistani scientist developed an ecological model which reflects the structural and functional changes of urban green spaces and their aftermath. The model supports urban planners to realise rehabilitation and protecture actions.

The dissertation was marked with the evaluation the highest possible “summa cum laude” and received the Graduate Award by the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Germany (IALE-D) and was rewarded a bonus. Awardees additionally get the possibility to present their results at the annual conference of the IALE in front of a high-ranking plenum. The prize is awarded every two years.

The Prize was awarded the first time to a Pakistani scientist, who furthermore wrote the first dissertation in the field of urban- and landscape ecology in Pakisten, where the young research field is establishing currently.

Furthermore Dr. Salman Qureshi received the Georg Foster Research Scholarship for Post Graduates of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation this year. He will spend his through this scholarship enabled research stay at the Humboldt University in Berlin an the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg at the department of geography and geology at the working group Urban and Landscape Ecology where he did his Ph.D.

This successful dissertation was written in relation with the bilateral cooperation agreement with the University of Karachi where Dr. Qureshi teaches. Furthermore the working group Urban and Landscape Ecology has a project cooperation with the Islamia University Bahawalpur. With the University of Karachi – together with Dr. Qureshi – the successful cooperation will be continued in a following project, too. Prof. Breuste teaches currently urban ecology in Ph.D. curses at the University of Karachi.

Information on the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC)

2006: Mushahid Anwar: An investigation of Public Parks and Life Quality in Karachi, Pakistan