Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Breuste
Head of the working Group Urban and Landscape Ecology
Phone: +43-662-8044-5241
e-mail: juergen.breuste@sbg.ac.at
Functions: Research & Teaching
Memberships / Functions:
- Founding President of the Society of Urban Ecology (SURE)
- Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Europe (IALE-Europe)
- Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz-Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR) Dresden, Germany
- Member of the Executive Committee and Founding President of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Germany (IALE-D) since 2011
- Member of the Indian International Environmental Research Academy, Vishakapatnam, India
- Corresponding member of the Academy for Spatial Research and Regional Planning (ARL)
- Außerordentliches Mitglied der German Academy for Applied Geography e.V.
Member of Editorial Board:
- Landscape-Online (seit 2007)
- Ecological Indicators, Elsevier Publishers, Niederlande (seit 2005)
- Geoökodynamik, Göttingen, Germany (seit 2008)
- Hercynia, Halle, Deutschland
- Geographical Papers, Karachi University, Pakistan (seit 2004)
- General Geographic, Karachi/Pakistan (seit 2006)
- Schriftenreihe „Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten“ (seit 2002)
- Raumforschung und Raumordnung (seit 2009)
Member of Advisory Board:
- Landscape Ecology, Dordrecht/Niederlande, Kluwer Publishers (seit 2006)
- The Geographer, Delhi, India (seit 2002)
- The Open Environmental Journal (seit 2007)
- Helsinki Metropolitan Area Network for Urban Studies (seit 2005)